Displaying 1 - 12 of 315
Chilli pepper - Grow it yourself


Chilli pepper - Grow it yourself

We’re going to look at a fruiting vegetable – chilli peppers this time. Chilli peppers just seem to grow and grow in popularity all around the world.

Spinach - Grow it yourself


Spinach - Grow it yourself

Remember Popeye? With his tobacco pipe and his bulging arms? But surely the thing that most people remember about him was his favourite vegetable - right?

Tomatoes - Grow it yourself


Tomatoes - Grow it yourself

This is already the fourth article in this mini Grow-series and this time, we put tomatoes in the spotlight.

Garlic - Grow it yourself


Garlic - Grow it yourself

Ah, the stinking rose with its penetrating perfume. For those who might be wondering what we’re referring to, here’s a clue. It’s the pungent plant that’s reputed to ward off vampires.

Ginger - Grow it yourself


Ginger - Grow it yourself

Growing ginger indoors is very easy. Get our tips for how to grow ginger indoors, plus our favorite fresh ginger recipe.

Mint - Grow it yourself


Mint - Grow it yourself

There is no question about it. Without mint, there would be a lot of people walking around with halitosis (that’s bad breath to you and me).

Cucumber - Grow it yourself


Cucumber - Grow it yourself

Eaten and enjoyed all around the world, the cucumber can probably lay claim to the title of ‘king of cool’. The Steve McQueen of the salad world.

Interactions between nutrients


Interactions between nutrients

Most growers know the importance of applying the right amount of macro- and micro-nutrients, and there are several ways of knowing whether a plant is lacking any of these elements.


Product line


BIOCANNA is CANNA's organic line of products. BIOCANNA products are 100% organic and meet all the requirements for organic farming. This means they are legally checked and guaranteed ORGANIC!