At CANNA we’re excited to share passionate grower stories from across Canada that resonate with our community and inspire us to “grow big or grow home”.


My name is Jeff Aubin, and I'm from Smoker Farms Limited. We're a small micro-producer in British Columbia.

Could you tell us a little bit more about your products?

My best-selling product is our proprietary exclusive strain, Master Crusher Ultra. It's available in 7g and 3.5g sizes, and you can find it in British Columbia and Ontario. We also have our vape cartridges available on Mendo Medical, which are available all across Canada.

Tell us about your facilities

At Smoker Farms, we have a 2,800-square-foot facility. I run two rooms: one with 20 bulbs and one with 116 lights. We use advanced hydroponics and Heugel blocks for growing. Our nutrient delivery system is Dosatron. Each room is equipped with tons of HVAC systems and dehumidifiers to control the environment.

Can you share your journey to becoming a Master Grower?

I will never consider myself a master grower because, after 30 years, I'm still learning about the plant. I started by selling weed as a kid at school and parks. One day, a buddy brought me into his grow room, and my eyes lit up. I thought, "Why don't I grow the weed and sell it like I've been doing all my childhood?" That was the catalyst for me, but it wasn't as easy as it seemed at first.

What drives your passion for growing cannabis, and how has it evolved over the years?

I'm passionate about cannabis and have dedicated my life to growing it. It's very important to me. Obviously, money is important too, and I wish there was more money in the system. But I'm not going to stop at this point. We're going to continue growing because of my true passion for really good weed. It's incredibly important.

What do you enjoy most about the entire growing process and why?

The growing process is unique. You start with little plants or clones and watch them evolve into a room full of 200 or 300 plants. You get to watch them grow the whole time. When it gets close to the end, you get to see the flowers develop and smell the incredible aromas. I still get excited every time a room is near completion. The smell is everything.

What significant challenges have you faced in your role as a grower, and how have you overcome them?

There are so many challenges in growing weed, especially legal weed. I wear many hats in the facility: electrician, plumber, grower, and more. Controlling an indoor environment is quite complicated. I didn't learn it overnight. Even after 30 years, I'm still not doing things perfectly, but I think I'm close.

Can you share a key moment in your career that was a turning point for you?

The biggest change was deciding to go legal. It was a big opportunity. I've had to look over my shoulder for most of my career. Now, I can talk about what I've done all these years. I still remember the day I got the physical license in my hand. It felt like a new chapter in my life. Because of licensing and legalization, I'm growing some of the best products I've ever grown. That's something I cherish.

What innovations or tools have made the biggest impact on your growing process?

By far, the Dosatron units I use for nutrient delivery have made the biggest impact. It's all about control and giving the plant the perfect amount of water and nutrients at the perfect time. The Dosatron system enables me to do that. It's not cheap, but it's worth every penny.

How have your growing techniques evolved since the early days of legalization?

When we first got licensed, I stuck to my old dirt methods. I watered my plants by hand for three and a half hours every two days. I was sick of it. We needed to stand out in the legal market, so we switched to Rockwool blocks and Dosatron. This change improved the caliber of everything we do, and people began to notice our quality.

What is some significant feedback or points of pride you have concerning Canada leading the way in legalized cannabis?

I'm thrilled that Canada decided to legalize weed, allowing me to have a legal job. It fills me with pride knowing that people worldwide recognize our BC bud. 

We get followers on Twitter and Instagram from all over the world who are eager to come to Canada and try our cannabis. Knowing we have some of the best weed in the world is a big deal, and I love it.

If you could debunk one myth about the cannabis growing industry, what would it be?

Some people think growing cannabis is easy. It's not. There are so many factors involved: balancing electricity, water, humidity, and more. All these factors need to work together, not fight each other. It's not just a matter of throwing a couple of seeds in the dirt and watching them grow. It's much more complex than that.

How important do you believe knowledge-sharing to be in the commercial cannabis community?

Knowledge-sharing is vitally important. I'm not in competition with any other producer in Canada. I have my own niche market, and so does everyone else. My buddy Bill from Purifier has given me great suggestions about temperature levels and other factors. I don't like accepting help, but his advice improved my yield dramatically. Thanks, Bill.

How do you foresee the global cannabis market evolving in the next five years, and what steps is your company taking to stay ahead of these changes?

I hope cannabis gets legalized in more countries. Many people are watching Canada and waiting. I don't know how to finish this question, but it would be amazing to see global legalization.

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